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Michael Ronen

The transformation I have done from a theater director into a mixed reality start up founder and CEO is only possible in a city like Berlin or LA.

The transformation I have done from a theater director into a mixed reality start-up founder and a CEO is only possible in a city like Berlin or LA. The tech scenes in these cities are special because they are very accessible to creatives. LA and Berlin start-ups are unique in their nature because they do not have obvious techy teams, but they bring risk-takers from the arts who are trying to innovate mediums in culture and communication. Transforming from an artist to an entrepreneur is possible because of Berlin and LA, making them exciting ecosystems for innovation.

Michael Ronen, an Israeli entrepreneur based in Berlin, has been involved in theater and film directing for the past 10 years. He’s transitioned to the online media industry as the co-founder of Splash, combining his passion for the Arts with his experience in tech startups.

Michael Ronen


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